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Using Narrative as a Design Tool

You’re designing a new service, product, app, website, etc., and you want it to make sense, and be seamless. You want it to be meaningful. But where do coherence and meaning come from?

We’ll discuss:
* the psychology of storytelling, and why humans tend to think in narrative
* how designers can take advantage of that tendency to plan more coherent experiences and services
* how to use narrative as a medium for concept iteration and refinement
* how to use stories to align projects and earn buy-in from stakeholders

We’ll also give real-world examples of narrative prototyping in action, and show how it can get design teams communicating better and working in the same direction.

About the Speaker

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Carl Alviani is a Content Producer at Topp, and has been writing about the design process and its consequences for over a decade. His work has appeared in Wired, Fast Company, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Gizmodo and Quartz, and he’s developed content and narrative strategy for clients ranging from Microsoft and Nike to major design schools and studios (including CIID, just over the bridge). Originally from the US, he holds a Masters in Industrial Design from the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, and worked as a science teacher and a product designer before shifting over to writing.

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